inLife Ultra Cartridge 2.7 mg Pack 10 Cartridges

Product Description

Item #: 101070227

inLife Ultra Cartridge 2.7 mg Pack 10 Cartridges Brings back the original nicotine content and flavor of our original Regal Standard High Nicotine cartridges. inLife's new technology combination cartridge-atomizers provide incredible performance and consistency. Best in the industry.

  • $32.95
inLife: Product Dtails

inLife Ultra Cartridge 2.7 mg Pack 10 Cartridges

Product Description

Item #: 101070227

inLife Ultra Cartridge 2.7 mg Pack 10 Cartridges Brings back the original nicotine content and flavor of our original Regal Standard High Nicotine cartridges. inLife's new technology combination cartridge-atomizers provide incredible performance and consistency. Best in the industry.

  • $32.95