inLife Ultra Menthol Cartridge Pack 1.8 mg 10 Cartridges

Product Description

Item #: 101070229

inLife Ultra Menthol Cartridge Pack 1.8 mg 10 Cartridges inLife Ultra Menthol Cartridge Pack (High Nicotine) brings back the original nicotine content and flavor of our original Regal Menthol High Nicotine cartridges. inLife's new technology combination cartridge-atomizers provide incredible performance and consistency. Best in the industry.

  • $32.95
inLife: Product Dtails

inLife Ultra Menthol Cartridge Pack 1.8 mg 10 Cartridges

Product Description

Item #: 101070229

inLife Ultra Menthol Cartridge Pack 1.8 mg 10 Cartridges inLife Ultra Menthol Cartridge Pack (High Nicotine) brings back the original nicotine content and flavor of our original Regal Menthol High Nicotine cartridges. inLife's new technology combination cartridge-atomizers provide incredible performance and consistency. Best in the industry.

  • $32.95